what i see everyday through blue eyes. my travels, places i dream about, my life stories, adventures that make me smile the rest of the week, food-- because it's the essense of life, my photography, paintings due to emotion overload, and sunshine. this is where pretty much all the little things i feel like sharing will be... shared :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

welcome to my world. [sunshine&mirrors&paint]


Where have I been.


SPRING BREAK!!! Oh yeah-- it rained the entire week. But I have my license, a bright blue eco friendly car, theeeee bestest friends, and a camera. Despite the rain, I had a good week. Very good.

So, as for a post. I have some pictures. That make me happy. #1 reason is because the weather looks lovely buuut it was really around 40 degrees outside and I almost died. I'm good at hiding that right? ;) We, me and Bridgette (my childhood, elememtary, middleschool, highschool blahh blah [so on] best friend) thought of the idea of using a mirror. We like to add something unique to each photoshoot we do.

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

...And then there's my paintings. I have so many of them up in my room. It's kind of funny, I didn't really start painting until January. I always thought I was aweful at it, so I never tried. Especially with sisters as talented as mine, I'll have to put up some of their work sometime. They're incredible. Anyways, I sort of taught myself that art isn't about being the best, or having every detail mastered.
Nahh... it's about letting out what's in your head onto a canvas and letting your hand do the work. And there is nothing as satisfying as looking at a once blank canvas that's now covered in your own, personal print. It's just so cool to think about!!

So, I don't really think I'm good at all-- but I never get frustuated with my work. Who says it has so be perfect?

I spent 7 hours on this yesterday when I had no life and I was slightly emotional. Hahahaha eeehhh. It's a picture of me and two of my sisters, in Florida. It's fun to paint a picture of something I took.

Photobucket Photobucket Annnnnd something I did last week. Of Bridgette, the girl in the shoot above. The edit changed the coloring completely. Photobucket

April showers. Enjoy.


  1. great photos abbey! You are my role model for photography, you utterly amaze me! Esecially love the ones with the mirror ( You are very very very stunning :).


  2. aww, thank you so much janelle :) you just made my day!
